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Електронний каталог бібліотеки Інституту психології імені Г.С.Костюка НАПН України- результати пошуку

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Пошуковий запит: <.>K=people with disability<.>
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А 43

    Overchuk, V. A.
    Socio-psychological support for people with disability as a condition of their successful social integration [Текст] / V. A. Overchuk // Актуальні проблеми психології : Збірник наукових праць / За ред. С. Д. Максименка. - Київ : Логос, 2019. - Т. 1 : Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія. Соціальна психологія, Вип. 54. - С. 95-100. - Бібліогр.: с. 99 (8 назв)
РУБ 154
Рубрики: Соціальна психологія
Кл.слова (ненормовані):
people with disability -- social and psychological support -- social integration -- groups of barriers -- valuable life -- adaptation -- social enviromment -- environmental conditions
Анотація: The article deals with problem of integral conception of the essence of social and psychological support for people with disability in the process of social integration. The purpose of this research is to study the problems of people with disability, the factors that prevent their succesful social integration and to determine the effective actions to improve the life of these people. For this purpose, the socio-psychological support for people with disability is considered as a condition of their successful social integration and the modern paradigm of social integration of people with disability is constructed. The main groups of barriers that prevent people with disability from having a valuable social life are identified and the methods of their overcoming are proposed.

Дод.точки доступу:
Максименко , Сергій Дмитрович \голов. ред.\

Є примірники у відділах: всього 1 : ЧЗ (1)
Вільні: ЧЗ (1)

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