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Title: Verbalization of love in modern English poetry: constructional approach
Authors: Talavira, N. M.
Keywords: construction
state of love
English poetry
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Видавництво НДУ ім. Миколи Гоголя
Citation: Talavira N. M. Verbalization of love in modern English poetry: constructional approach / N. M. Talavira // Література та культура Полісся : зб. наук. праць / відп. ред. та упоряд. Г. В. Самойленко ; Ніжинський держ. ун-т імені Миколи Гоголя. – Ніжин. – 2019. – Вип. 95. – С. 142–149.
Abstract: The paper dwells on the constructions denoting love in modern English online poems. The most large-scale immediate constructions belong to three thematic groups with the core words love, heart and pain. Modified constructions transform the immediate ones due to adjectives, nouns with prepositions and adverbs, while extended constructions, combining several immediate ones, provide nominal representation of various models of the state of love.
Appears in Collections:Література та культура Полісся. Випуск 95 (2019 р.)

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