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Title: Genocide In A Small Space: а Comparative Case Study of Srebrenica and Koriukivka
Authors: Aimaro-Parmut, Gregory D.
Keywords: genocide
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Видавництво НДУ ім. Миколи Гоголя
Abstract: Gregory Aimaro-Parmut is a masters student in the department of Russian and East European Studies at Indiana University. The focus of his research is Chernihiv Oblast under German Occupation. Other research interests of his include history of Stalinist repressions, totalitarian regimes, and the Holodomor. Gregory is an American citizen but with roots in Pryluky. This article is a comparative study of the tragic events that occurred in Srebrenica and Koriukivka. The massacre in Srebrenica was organized by the Bosnian Serbs in 1995. Koriukivka, a large settlement in Chernihiv region was completely destroyed by the Nazis in 1943, together with the population.
Appears in Collections:Література та культура Полісся. Випуск 92 (2018 р.)

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