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Showing results 1 to 20 of 689  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Adjective constructions denoting appearance of a personLatun, A. B.
2017Artistic Versions of World War II in Ukrainian Socialist Realist Literature (1941-1943)Kharkhun, V. P.
2022«But Fire thought she'd really rather be Water instead»: Торі Еймос та її практика природного оповіданняМатасова, Ю. Р.
2017Constructions in English: from paradigmatic to syntagmatic relationsPotapenko, S. I.
2017Contextual functioning of phraseological units (a case of political speeches by Margaret Thatcher and John Major)Trybukhanchyk, А. М.; Shkurat, Т. А.
2021Cultural diplomacy as a tool for shaping the international image of UkraineMytsyk, L. M.
2020Discourse of the Other in Agatha Christie’s An AutobiographyRamazan, F. J. R.
2018Etymological aspects of a phraseosemantic fieldTrybukhanchyk, А.М.
2018Euphemisms in English Internet News Discourse: Creating an Event PerspectiveMorozova, Ya. I.
2018Genocide In A Small Space: а Comparative Case Study of Srebrenica and KoriukivkaAimaro-Parmut, Gregory D.
2019Klassifikationsmöglichkeiten der phraseologischen Wortverbindungen aus kontrastiver Sicht Deutsch-PolnischMilczarek, М.
2019Między tekstem oryginału a tłumaczeniem. Kilka spostrzeżeń o języku Janusza KorczakaWeigt, Z.
2023Modern Approaches to Learning Foreign Languages for ProfessionalMelnyk, O. V.
2018Mykola lavrovskyi – the first director of nizhyn institute оf history & philologyMytsyk, L. M.
2018"Pecunia non olet1", або Інновації в податковій системі римського імператора ВеспасіанаДудка, Р. А.; Мойсейчук, І. І.
2019Pejorative vocabulary in the works of Mykola Gogol and its rendering in German translationsRolik, A.
2019Postulowane zmiany traktatu wersalskiego zgłaszane przez Niemcy, Włochy i Węgry w latach 20 XX wieku. Przyczyny, szanse i zagrożeniaTrela, Dawid
2019The League of Nations mandate system – success or failure?Bar, Agata
2018The Myth of Chornobyl in Contemporary Ukrainian Drama PlotsPavlova, О.М.
2018The Obama doctrine іn the context of the US foreign policy evolutionMytsyk, L.M.